We have heavy rain and thunderstorms forecast for the next two days. Illinois is known for its summertime thunderstorms. Thunderstorms can bring issues to your homes appliances. You most likely have most of your electronics on a power strip/surge protector which is great. What most of us tend to overlook though is the big appliances in our home. The water heaters, the HVAC equipment, ect that can all be costly to have to replace. These larger appliances need to be protected too. All electronics were built to be able to handle a certain amount of power. A power surge which will give them more power than they are designed for can destroy them. Power surges can be caused by many different things but lightning happens to be the most frequent cause. Other things that cause power surges are downed power lines that can be caused by thunderstorms, faulty wiring, power outages, bad electrical components, and aged electrical components. What you can do to help protect your large appliances from power surges is to ground them. This will diffuse the extra power elsewhere. Bartlett Heating and Air can come inspect and make sure your HVAC system is grounded and properly protected from dangerous power surges. Call Bartlett Heating and Air today for any of your HVAC needs!