Spring has officially arrived! The snow has melted, the temperature is slowly on the rise, birds are coming back, and flowers will start to bloom. It also means it is time to schedule your annual AC cleaning. Spring is the perfect time to get your air conditioner cleaned and tuned up so it is ready to go when the temperatures soar. Getting your air conditioner checked prior to summer is a great idea because when the temperatures rocket and you need the air conditioner it will be ready. HVAC places get busier as the temperatures get hotter so trying to get your AC checked when its already hot out may find yourself waiting a long time due to the technicians being busy fixing air conditioners that weren’t checked earlier when everyone calls at once. Having your air conditioner looked at before hand will make sure you catch anything that can potentially break down before it happens and get it fixed before the heat comes. A clean air conditioner runs so much more efficiently which helps keep you and your family nice and cool during the summer while also saving you on your energy bills. Bartlett Heating and Air does a 28 point inspection on your air conditioner during the clean and check. Some of the things we go over is checking the thermostat, condenser coil, voltage and amps, pressure controls, temperature drop across coils, refrigerant levels, blower operation, filters, electrical circuit, condensate drain and more. We also give the AC a cleaning too. If you are low on Refrigerant we will gladly recharge your system while we are out. Call Bartlett Heating and Air today to schedule your spring AC Clean and Check!
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