Covering outdoor heating and cooling units during the fall and winter months is a topic that often generates debate among homeowners and HVAC professionals. Whether or not you should do so depends on various factors, and it’s not a one-size-fits-all answer.

Read on as Bartlett Heating & Air Conditioning provides an overview of the pros and cons of covering HVAC units during cold weather.
Pros of Covering HVAC Units
One argument in favor of covering outdoor HVAC units is the protection they offer. This can prevent leaves, twigs, and other debris from accumulating on or inside the unit, which can help maintain the efficiency of your system and minimize potential clogs or damage.
Additionally, if you live in a region with heavy snowfall and freezing temperatures, covering the outdoor HVAC unit can protect it from ice and snow buildup. This way, you avoid damaging the internal components or blocking airflow.
Cons of Covering HVAC Units
However, there are also drawbacks to covering outdoor HVAC units. Improperly doing so can restrict ventilation and airflow. Remember, reduced airflow can lead to moisture buildup and damage to the unit.
Furthermore, a covered unit can create an inviting hiding place for rodents seeking shelter during the colder months. This, in turn, can lead to pest infestations. Moisture can also get trapped under the cover, causing condensation issues and damaging the unit’s components.
Best Practices for Covering Outdoor HVAC Units
If you decide to cover your outdoor HVAC unit during the fall and winter, be sure to keep these practices in mind:
- Use a properly designed cover. It should be specifically designed for HVAC units to facilitate proper ventilation. Avoid using plastic tarps or materials that don’t allow air to circulate.
- Secure the cover. Ensure the cover is securely fastened to prevent it from blowing away or becoming entangled in the unit’s fan.
- Check regularly. Inspect your covered unit from time to time to ensure there are no signs of moisture buildup, pest infestations, or other issues.
- Uncover before use. Before turning on your HVAC system in the spring, remove the cover to avoid any airflow restrictions.
Let Us Help You Make the Right Choice
The decision to cover your outdoor HVAC unit in the fall and winter depends on your specific circumstances, climate, and region. For best results, it’s a good idea to consult with the pros at Bartlett Heating & Air Conditioning. One of our experienced technicians can inspect your HVAC unit and help you determine whether you should cover your unit or not.
Find out why our name is at the top of the search results when you look up “heating and cooling companies near me“. Call (630) 372-7640, or fill out our contact form to schedule an appointment. We serve homeowners in and around the Bartlett, IL, area.