When it comes to energy saving tips for the harsh winter months, the best advice is to think strategically about how to use energy-saving methods. For instance, the U.S. Department of Energy states on its website that there are plenty of cost-saving things energy consumers can do to lower their bills during the winter season. While most people want the best ways to reduce and manage their home energy use, experts say they often forget common sense tips.
Energy savings tips for winter
While the goal is to improve the energy efficiency of one’s home, there is also a point of view about the need to keep one’s home warm and comfortable.
Still, there is a proven point of view that energy saving tips offers many benefits that include:
– Consider lowering your heater thermostat to at least 68 degrees when in the home, and setting the furnace to about 55 degrees when away from the house.
– Save upwards of 15 percent a year off of your home energy bill when lowering the thermostat when people or pets are not present in the home.
– Look into various upgrades or retrofits as a sure fire energy saving tip when sorted out new heating equipment, adding insulation, using approved Energy Star appliances and even sealing windows, roofs and other areas around the home where heat escapes.
– Check to see if shower and bath use is excessive, per shorter bath and shower time can reduce water heating bills by upwards of 30 to 40%.
– The washing machine can also be a big energy saver when cold water is used for washing.
– A clothes dryer can also drive up energy bills if the machine is not properly maintained or left on for a lengthy period of time.
– Money can also be saved when changing out older light bulbs for the new LED bulbs.
– A simple thing like an insulating blanket for your water heater can also help save lots of money on energy bills.
– Try cooking on the stove more than using a microwave that uses a lot of expensive energy.
Overall, there are many proven ways and means to save on home energy bills during the cold winter months. Check back with us often for more HVAC and energy saving tips.