Lately, the whole country has been bothered by high winds. This is a nuisance that has affected indoor air quality. As wind blows, it scatters dirt that gathers inside of HVAC units. This means that it is blowing within your home and other types of buildings. As the air circulates and is inhaled, it can have negative effects on health and cause parts of the air conditioning system to fail. To avoid these problems, it is wise to perform proper maintenance and HVAC vent cleaning.
As dust is blown through the home, it can set off allergic reactions or worse. It may lead to asthma attacks or other respiratory problems. It can also cause air conditioner parts to break, which leads to costly repairs. To prevent any of these issues, it is wise to clean the unit’s screen and vents. The screen can be simply washed with warm soapy water. The vents can be vacuumed as well.
If there is a musty odor coming from the A/C unit, it may be a sign that the evaporation coils have collected dust that may be causing blockages along the lines. This may act as a place for mold to grow and flourish. Mold is bad for a person’s health and must be eliminated. The air conditioner must be unblocked and cleaned correctly.
There are many professional companies that will perform in home air quality testing to uncover if there are any problems with your home’s HVAC unit. Then, they will complete maintenance and cleaning of your system. This will keep you and your family healthy and prevent costly repair issues. When the weather is causing wind to blow and scatter dirt into your HVAC equipment, the problem must be addressed immediately. There is no time like today to begin breathing cleaner air.