One of the ways we can cut back is by keeping a handle on our electricity bill during the summer time when air conditioning use is at it’s peak. Here are some ways to conserve electricity and lower your bill, as well as prolong the life of your air conditioning unit.
~Change Your Light Bulbs- Rather than using the traditional light bulbs , consider switching over to fluorescent bulbs. Not only do they use less electricity, they give off considerably less heat.
~Close Your Blinds- Using natural light that enters the home through your windows is a double-edge sword. You will conserve electricity but by using natural light, you will be allowing heat to build up in your home. So in sense you are defeating the purpose of conserving electricity by taking advantage of that natural sun light.
~Keep Your Cooling Unit Clean- You should always keep your air conditioning clean by having your unit clean and inspected on a regular basis from our professionals here at Bartlett Heating and Air so that your unit operates at an optimum efficiency level. Change all filters when necessary, and keep the unit free of dirt and debris.
~Maintain And Service Your Equipment- Have a service tech from Bartlett Heating and Air inspect your hvac system regularly to avoid any potential problems, and to keep the unit operating at maximum efficiency.
~The Size Of The A/C Unit Is Important- As the size of the home increases so should the size of your A/C unit. An air conditioner unit that is too small works continually and eventually wears out much sooner than it should. Conversely, a unit that is too big will turn on and off continually. In either case, energy is being wasted while your electricity bill increases. It is critical that the size of the unit equates well with the size of your home.
For other energy saving tips visit Bartlett Heating and Air blog. We are constantly providing information regarding all aspects of heating and air conditioning!