There are a few ways to save money on your electric bills each year. One unexpected way is to have your ducts cleaned! Its a very easy process that the professionals at Bartlett Heating and Air can do for you. We have an $89 Basic Duct Cleaning special going on right now. We use a negative pressure machine that sucks all the dirt and junk out of the ducts. You can also do sanitation which we recommend because it kills germs and flu virus leaving the air you and your family breathe way healthier. Having your ducts cleaned has a few benefits. First, it will make your HVAC system run more efficiently. When your system runs more efficiently your energy costs go down because they system doesn’t struggle to heat or cool your home. Your furnace and AC will last longer when it runs more efficiently and will need to be repaired less saving you more money. Dirty ducts can restrict air flow potentially seizing up your HVAC system which results in repairs needing to be made. When your ducts are cleaned, you and your family breath easier as there is less junk being circulated around the home. Allergy sufferers benefit from this because there will be less pollen and dander in the home. You will notice a cleaner home with less dust floating around. When we clean the ductwork, we also inspect it for any issues it may have and we can fix them on the spot. This helps you not waste the conditioned air that is meant to circulate around your home not leak out of cracks and breaks. This saves you money on energy because the furnace and AC doesn’t have to work as hard to heat and cool your home. Your home will smell fresher after a duct cleaning because mold and mildew are removed from the vents.
How do I know if I need to have my ducts cleaned?
*If you smell a musty or moldy smell in the home there is a good chance that it is in your ducts.
*If you have not had your ducts cleaned in the past couple of years.
*If you have excess dust and dirt you find around the home it may be time for a cleaning.
*If you have asthma and allergy sufferers in your home duct cleaning will help them out greatly.
*If you notice your energy bills slowly rising without an increase in the use of your HVAC system.
*If you have some areas colder or hotter than others in you home you might have duct work issues needing to be taken care of.
If you have any of these issues give Bartlett Heating and Air a call today to schedule your duct cleaning!