There are a few ways to save money on your electric bills each year. One unexpected way is to have your ducts cleaned! Its a very easy process that the professionals at Bartlett Heating and Air can do for you. We have an $89 Basic Duct Cleaning special going on right now. We use a […]
Bartlett Heating and Air Has Advice on New System Replacement This Spring
Winter is coming to an end with the arrival of the spring equinox. Spring is a good time to replace your furnace and AC if you were in the market to do so. You ask why would I replace my furnace when winter is about to end? There are a couple good reasons to replace […]
Spring is here! Time for Bartlett Heating and Air to do Your AC Check Up!
HAPPY SPRING! As of 11:57 am yesterday spring has officially arrived! The snow has melted, birds are coming back, and flowers will start to bloom. It also means it is time to schedule your annual AC cleaning. Spring is the perfect time to get your air conditioner cleaned and tuned up so it is […]
Know When It Is Time To Invest In More Energy Efficient Heating And Cooling Technology
In just the past few years, HVAC technology has greatly improved. And this means that if you have an older HVAC system, it may be time to replace it with a more energy-efficient system. You have more choices than ever before when it comes to energy-efficient heating and cooling, and you may want to consider […]
Bartlett Heating and Air Discusses 3 Energy Wasting Myths With Your HVAC System
You can find so much information so easily on the internet now a days which is great but can also leave you misinformed. You often find conflicting information because anyone can post anything to the internet. You want to make sure you really research and see that the information you are getting is from […]