Your HVAC system gives you hints one way or another on its status. If you know what to look for, you can more closely monitor your AC and furnace to make sure they are running at their best and also know when they need to be fixed or replaced. Here are some simple things you […]
Bartlett Heating and Air Discusses Furnace Issues to Fix During Spring
Even though spring is here and you wont be using your furnace much longer, that doesn’t mean to ignore repairs that need to be made. Spring is one of the best times to have your furnace repaired because you typically wont be using it so repair will not interrupt comfort. Another reason to fix the […]
Bartlett Heating and Air Talks About Variable Speed Furnaces
If you are looking to replace your furnace at the end of this season you have many things to choose from. One of the choices you can make is to get a variable speed furnace. There are a few good reasons to look into getting a variable speed furnace. A furnace becomes variable speed because […]
Bartlett Heating and Air Explains Electrostatic Filters
There are so many choices to make when trying to decide which HVAC filter to get. One of the choices is an electrostatic filter. An electrostatic filter is one that uses static electricity to work. When air passes through the electrostatic filter it gets charged with positive and negative layers. The fibers in the filter […]
Bartlett Heating and Air Has Thermostat Tips For You
When people think of their HVAC systems they tend to think only about the furnace and AC. They often forget about a more important component, the thermostat. Even though your furnace and AC are the ones that physically heat and cool your home they need the thermostat to work properly before they can. Here are […]