You can find so much information so easily on the internet now a days which is great but can also leave you misinformed. You often find conflicting information because anyone can post anything to the internet. You want to make sure you really research and see that the information you are getting is from […]
Bartlett Heating and Air Explains How to Choose the Right Programmable Thermostat for Your Home
We are a very busy society now a days which means more and more we end up running out of the house forgetting to do some things like change the thermostat before we leave. This leads to wasting energy by heating or cooling a home when no one is there to enjoy it. This drives […]
Bartlett Heating and Air Gives You Tips for Your End of Season Furnace Care
Spring is almost here which means warmer temperatures, flowers blooming, and less and less need for your furnace. As you get ready to shut down your furnace for the season there are a few things you should look at and do first. After the brutally cold winter we had this year your furnace got a […]
Three Reasons Why You Should Change The Air Filters On Your HVAC System Regularly
Modern combined heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems (HVAC) have replaceable air filters or screens inside that prevent airborne particles of up to 40 microns from penetrating inside HVAC appliances and potentially causing blockages. In general, HVAC screens generally have a short lifespan. In fact, the US Environmental Protection Agency recommends changing the air filter […]
Bartlett Heating and Air Explains How a Furnace Works
Your furnace is an important part of your home, it is used to keep you and your family warm all winter long. Have you ever looked at your furnace and wondered how it works and heats your home? Bartlett Heating and Air will take you through the process of heating your home. When you set […]