There are a few different parts that make up your air conditioning system. The AC is made up of a series of electrical and plumbing connections. The duct work is an essential part because it delivers the cold air to you home so it needs to be in the best shape possible. Make sure it […]
How can you keep your home cooler, Bartlett Heating and Air has the answer.
The summer heat has finally arrived, is your AC unit in working order? High heat can be dangerous to young kids, pets, and the elderly so you want to make sure the AC works at a time like this. Make sure you are checking on elderly neighbors, kids, and your pets on high heat days. […]
Have You Had Your 28 Point Inspection Done On Your A/C? Bartlett Heating and Air Has A $59 Special Going On Now!
If you haven’t had your A/C tune up yet this year now is the time to do so before the weather gets extremely hot. When having your A/C cleaned here are just a few thing your Bartlett Heating and Air tech will check for you. ~ Check Thermostat ~ Clean condenser coil ~ Check voltage […]
Bartlett Heating and Air tells you the best time to replace your AC system.
It is always a good idea to replace your unit before it completely breaks just when you need it the most. You should be having your annual spring AC Clean and Check to make sure your AC is in prefect working order. Doing this in the early spring catches any issues and gives you time […]
Does my AC control the humidity in my house?
Having too much humidity in your home can cause a few problems. One of the problems is comfort, most people aren’t comfortable in a humid environment. High humidity also causes mold to grow rapidly which is hazardous to your health. One last issue that can happen is warping of the indoor decor. Your ac helps […]