It’s crucial to have a reliable and efficient air conditioning system in the summer season. The last thing you want is for your HVAC system to break down in the middle of the season, prompting you to search online for “HVAC repair near me” while in utter discomfort. In this blog, Bartlett shares tips on how to maintain your air conditioning system this summer.
Test Your Air Conditioner In the Spring
Your air conditioner breaking down is bad enough, but what if it doesn’t turn on at all the first time you try to use it for the season? While repairs can usually completed in a day, there can be delays if replacement parts need to be ordered from the manufacturer. You can avoid all of these hassles by taking the time to test your HVAC system in the spring. If your air conditioning unit turns out to be faulty, having to wait for repairs to the system to be completed will be much more bearable in the spring than in the summer.
Conduct Regular Inspections
Regular inspections complement scheduled HVAC maintenance, and make it less likely that you’ll need to search online for “HVAC repair near me” at inopportune times. Regular HVAC inspections allow problems such as punctures, leaks and electronic malfunctions to be found and addressed before they turn into bigger problems. They also keep your air conditioning system running at full efficiency, which helps prolong its life span. Make sure the air filters are cleaned or replaced at least once a year as well.
Encourage Proper Airflow
Good air circulation within a room helps make your air conditioning system more efficient. Therefore, you need to make sure that vents and registers aren’t blocked by furniture, window treatments or decor. Having proper airflow in a room allows cool air to circulate faster and more consistently, which can reduce a room’s minimal cooling requirement and help you save on energy costs. It also aids in preventing mold and mildew formation by keeping particles and spores from settling in a single place. Use a ceiling or standalone fan to keep the cool air circulating in the various rooms throughout your house.
Call Bartlett for All Your HVAC Needs
There’s no need to search online for “HVAC repair near me”; Bartlett is the company to call. Contact us at (630) 372-7640 or fill out our contact form to schedule an appointment.