Whether you are purchasing a new furnace or simply replacing an old one, failing to prepare for the expense can cut deeply into your long-term savings. Once you get an estimate, it is reasonable to ask how you can get a better deal. In this article, a trusted AC clean and check company shares insider tips for […]
Grilles, Registers and Diffusers: What’s the Difference?
A central heating or air conditioning system utilizes several vents to distribute air throughout a space. As ventilation requires control over its intake/exhaust rate, a vent cover aids in fulfilling that function. Grilles, registers, and diffusers are three main types of vent covers. A furnace and air conditioner contractor discusses the difference between these three components.
How the Summer Season Affects AC Performance
Air conditioning systems work best when they’re not operating in extreme heat — but this is often unavoidable during the summer season. In today’s post, local furnace and air conditioning company Bartlett Heating & Air Conditioning takes a look at how the summer heat affects your air conditioner’s performance.
Do Outdoor AC Units Need Shade?
Homeowners often ask us whether their air conditioner’s condenser unit — that is, the enclosure that sits outside the house — should be protected from direct sunlight. If you’re wondering the same thing, read on as local air conditioning repair company Bartlett Heating & Air Conditioning weighs in on whether an outdoor AC unit will benefit from […]
4 Indoor Air Quality Tips for Your Kids at Home
According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), indoor spaces can be as much as five times more polluted than outdoor spaces because they trap indoor pollutants. Babies and small children, with their still-developing respiratory systems, are especially vulnerable to its effects. In today’s post, local furnace and air conditioning contractor Bartlett Heating & Air Conditioning shares […]