There are sounds normally associated with your home’s heating system. Creaking and popping noises are completely usual as the pipes expand and contract as the heating cycle progresses, although these can be lessened through proper installation. There are sounds, however, that may indicate issues where you will need to call the help of heating and […]
How to Get Rid of Air Conditioning Odors
Air conditioning systems are designed to cool the air, not introduce odors to it. If your AC starts producing bad odors, don’t just rush out and buy a new one: smells are often caused by minor problems that can be easily fixed.
Usual Suspects Behind AC Failure
Having an energy-efficient heating and air conditioning system means nothing when it under performs. Not only can it affect your level of comfort, but it can also impact your finances in many ways. Improper operation can increase your energy consumption, and be the main reason for premature equipment replacement.
Air Conditioning Service: Best Strategy for Cooling Homes
Cooling your home shouldn’t be as difficult or expensive as you think. If you’re lucky enough to build your home from the ground-up, there are a variety of ways to reduce heat, including regular air conditioning service. Working with an existing home isn’t as tough, either.
What Is a NATE-Certified Air Conditioning Service Technician?
In the world of HVACR, NATE (North American Technician Excellence) separates trustworthy air conditioning service providers from the less reliable ones. Founded in 1997, it’s America’s largest, non-profit certification organization for heating, ventilation, air conditioning, and refrigeration professionals. Developed and supported by the whole HVACR industry, its certification is the most sought-after stamp of approval […]