Having too much humidity in your home can cause a few problems. One of the problems is comfort, most people aren’t comfortable in a humid environment. High humidity also causes mold to grow rapidly which is hazardous to your health. One last issue that can happen is warping of the indoor decor. Your ac helps control your humidity a little bit but it has its limitations. The way the AC works is the indoor coil absorbs heat leaving the air around it cooler that circulates and the heat condenses on the coil improving general humidity of your house. A dehumidifier is recommended to help draw out moisture on days that the AC isn’t used as heavy so you are still comfortable. When you have high humidity, the mold grows fast in the coils and duct work so it’s a good idea to get it cleaned and tuned up annually. Your filter can also help control mold growth from high humidity, the higher the number the better the filter. Call Bartlett Heating and Air today to schedule your AC clean and check and duct cleaning!