R-22 is a type of refrigerant used in some of the older air conditioners that cools your homes. The manufacture of R-22 results in a dangerous byproduct that affects our Ozone layer. R-22 is a greenhouse gas and older AC units leaking it helps deplete the Ozone layer faster. R-22 is not allowed to be used in new equipment so HVAC manufacturers cannot make new air conditioners and pumps that use R-22. As a result of them phasing it out and not making as much, the price of R-22 has went way up and is far more expensive than the newer eco friendly versions. By January 1st 2020 chemical manufactures will no longer be able to produce R-22 which will reduce HCFC consumption by 99.5%. R-22 that is recovered, reclaimed which means reprocessed to the same standard as new R-22, and recycled can be used in equipment. Call Bartlett Heating and Air to check out your AC today and see if it needs an upgrade or service.