When you look at your furnace and see a couple different numbers, you may wonder what they mean. Furnaces are rated by an Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency (AFUE). AFUE is measure of thermal efficiency and the percentage of heat produced for every dollar consumed. The higher the AFUE number the more you save on costs. A 90% AFUE furnace means that it outputs 90 BTU of useful heating for every 100 BTU of natural gas input. With less gas wasted comes less money wasted. You home is being heated efficiently and the energy bills will be lower because of its efficiency rating. The minimum AFUE of all furnaces sold in the US today must be 78%. 80% is the typical one people end up choosing for their home. At a 95% rating you qualify for tax credits because of how high the efficiency is, they cost more at first but if you’re staying in your home for a while you will benefit in the savings down the road on energy. Bartlett Heating and Air gives free estimates on new installations so call us today to find out what furnace is best for your home!