It is important to keep up with the maintenance of your a/c and furnace to prolong the life of your system and make sure it runs efficiently. For the air conditioner make sure you keep the grate in the hall clean of dust and make sure large objects aren’t blocking it. You should also make sure the other vents that it runs to are clean of dust. You should examine the ducts to make sure they are free of holes and other damage. Allow at least two to three feet of clearance around the unit inside and out to prevent blocking the vents. Replace the air handling filter each month to keep the ac running more smooth and efficiently. Set up the annual check each year to keep it in the best running order it can be in. For your furnace it is good to make sure it is running through its whole cycle and stopping when it is supposed to. Just like the ac you want to make sure nothing is blocking the grates and that they are free of dust. Check the vent connections for rust or gaps. Replace the furnace filters annually. Keeping up with these simple steps saves you the hassle of having to fix things you could have prevented and saves you money in the long run so call Bartlett Heating and Air to schedule your regular maintenance check today!