How do you like your current HVAC company? Will you be searching for a new one soon? Are you new to the area and will need a new HVAC company to work with? Your HVAC system is one of the most important things inside your home. It is what keeps you warm in the winter and cool in the summer. As with everything man made, your HVAC system will give into wear and tear over time. If you worked with a factory authorized dealer then you have nothing to worry about as they will know your system inside and out and be able to repair anything on it! It is a great idea to work with a factory authorized dealer for a few different reasons. Factory Authorized Deals complete a training program so they are trained to know the product inside and out. To become a factory authorized dealer, the company must show that they operate at a high level of expertise. They have national standards that need to be met before they are given the title of Factory Authorized Dealer. They never stop learning as the company is required to take yearly training’s that keep them up to date on everything. Factory Authorized Dealers are required to have the licenses and insurances before they are authorized so you know they will be doing everything correctly. Factory Authorized Dealers have NATE certified technicians on staff. NATE technicians are specially trained to perform at the best level. To maintain your Factory Authorized Dealer status they have to maintain good customer service and satisfaction which means they will do everything that needs to be done to make sure you are happy and taken care of! Bartlett Heating and Air is a Factory Authorized Dealer. We go above and beyond to make sure our jobs are done right the first time and that our customers are happy! Call Bartlett Heating and Air today for all your HVAC needs!