When it comes to keeping your house comfortable no matter what the season, there’s nothing that throws off the interior climate quite like having your heat pump freeze up in the middle of winter. Most systems have some type of system that reverses the flow of air when this happens to attempt to warm the iced up section of the heat pump to take care of the issue naturally – but this isn’t necessarily guaranteed to work.
The best way to deal with issues when dealing with an HVAC’s heat pump freeze up is to look at the most common issues that can cause this to happen and take the right preventive measures so this is an occasional issue with an easy fix as opposed to a recurring issue that keeps costing you more and more money – or even leads to needing a full replacement.
There are multiple issues that can be causing a heat pump freeze up, and that’s part of the reason why it is so important for individuals to call on professional heat pump specialists who know how to check out your overall HVAC situation and fix any recurring problems that might be causing your actual big issues.
A very light build up of ice or frost isn’t unusual, however when it thickens into chunks of ice that cut off the lines from working consistently, that actually becomes a consistent problem. Issues could include there being too low refrigerant levels, a revering valve that is sticking, or even bad sensors and relays that are preventing the HVAC system from working properly.
Basic things you can do to help out includes keeping any exposed part of your HVAC system clear of leaves, dust, twigs, and debris to make sure they’re not hampering air flow. In addition to this, you want to call an HVAC professional in at least once every 5-6 months just to run regular maintenance and to make sure that it continues to run smoothly.
The other important step is to make sure to call professionals in the very moment you realize there’s something different going on. A healthy heat pump will go a long way to keeping the interior of your home or building at the comfortable level you want it at.